Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Assignment #3 - Top 3 Reasons Why I Should Not Have to Write this Blog.

Students are constantly coming up with reasons why they shouldn't do their work, why it's so ridiculous that they actually have to work hard and earn a good future for themselves.   The reasons vary from absurd to comical to impossible, but they nearly never seem even remotely plausible.
When presented with the topic for our blog, some of my classmates complained that it was a boring, pointless topic and wondered why we had to write this blog, and I couldn't agree more.  Although I have decided to use my brain - something I was born with - and come up with a list of reasons why I should not have to write this blog along with my fellow classmates.
Students from across the globe come up with excuses that are unreasonable and, let's face it, just downright preposterous sometimes, but, seeing as how I've decided to use my brain and my gift of intelligence, my reasons are much more mature and logical than many other excuses.
It is believed that Canada is based on inclusion and fairness, but then why are we having to type out this blog on the computer?  Now, that last sentence may not make a whole lot of sense right now, but just think of this: a thin, round object - about the length of your hand maybe - in, most commonly, a brown, cream, grey or yellow color, with pink on the one end and a pointed, grey tip on the other.  This little object is frequently referred to as a pencil.  Now, you've probably used one just this morning, maybe to write a note to your family, telling them what time you'll be home at, or to write a grocery list, but as I write this, my wonderful pencil sits forlornly, waiting for me to pick it up and use it.  But my assignment is to write a blog, so that I must do - on the computer.  If Canada is all about inclusion, then why must my pencil - all of our pencils - be left out in this project?  Why must they feel isolated and alone, worried they'll never be held again?  Men - and women - used pencils long before computers were ever invented, but now they are being pushed aside, shunned, as computers are being used more and more often.  And for just that reason alone, I should not have to write this blog.
But I do have to write this blog, so I must state my next two reasons on why I shouldn't have to write this blog.  As previously written, I must type out this blog on a computer, thus using electricity.  I do not believe that this is right.  The use of electricity contributes to global warming, and, as a knowledgeable society today, we should be doing everything we can in order to prevent the Earth from further warming up and further destruction.  Also, there are these little organisms which are a black color which most know as the Mountain Pine Beetle.  Now, they have overrun our forests, but they aren't a new species.  The Pine Beetles have always been around, living in our forests, but, just recently, our winter temperatures have not dropped low enough for a long enough period of time to decimate the population significantly.  But by using electricity to run our computers, we are contributing to global warming, and therefore assisting in the Beetles' survival, and not doing our part to help hinder their reproduction, all because we are contributing to global warming.  I am all for protecting our world by whatever means is possible, and if using electricity to run our computers to type out this blog about our top three reasons on anything harms the environment, then we should not have to write this blog assignment.
My last - but most important - reason as to why I should not have to write this blog is that my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather fought for his freedom and finally won it in the early eighteen-hundreds.  He was a slave, just as his father and mother were before him, but he was freed and escaped on the Underground Railroad, swearing that he would never work for anyone else again, that he wouldn't let himself be forced to do something that he didn't want to do and believe in fully.  Which is why, as his descendant, I must follow on his honorable path, and not have to do something I do not fully wish to do, such as writing this blog.
Although my classmates may not be able to empathize with me about how my Great (to six degrees) Grandfather swore never to work for anyone else ever again and I am just upholding his vow, they should be able to identify with my other two reasons about our contribution to global warming and how our poor, forgotten pencils must feel.  If worst comes to worst and I am not to be believed that the pencils are being excluded and discriminated against - even here in beautiful Canada - just because they aren't as technologically advanced as computers, then I'll just have to allow them to speak their minds - or write their parts - next time I must do a blog.  For these three reasons - and so many more that didn't make the cut list - I strongly believe that I should not have to write this blog about our top three reasons about anything.

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